EKKOM: Design for the future

BIM (Building Information Modeling) is an innovative approach to management of investment’s lifecycle using a multidimensional design model. This was the topic of the second edition of the conference Designing the Future, which took place in March 4 and 5 in the Andel’s hotel in Kraków.

The conference was attended by some 120 participants. The event was organized by Konfoteka and EKKOM’s role was that of an expert in content. In the group of over twenty speakers from Poland and abroad who came together to discuss achievements of modern design methods, two speeches were held by the representatives of EKKOM: Janusz Bohatkiewicz, Sebastian Biernacki, Magdalena Drach i Krzysztof Jamrozik. The first speech dealt with perspectives, opportunities and limitations of using BIM in road design in Poland. EKKOM’s second presentation addressed the role of spatial modeling and visualization in designing road infrastructure. The road industry portal Edroga.pl was a medial partner to the conference. Read our highlights the perspectives of applying BIM in road design oraz design methods of the future (both in Polish).

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