We design:

- reinforced concrete bridge structures, compressed and composite bridge structures
- steel bridge structures such as bridges, viaducts, flyovers, footbridges
- tunnels and underpasses
- small and large road culverts
- retention structures
- movable bridges
- temporary bridges
- acoustic screens
- industrial buildings, stadiums, sports facilities
- public utilities
We perform:
- studies and concepts in the field of bridge engineering
- expert opinions and assessments of technical status
- surveys of engineering structures
- hydrological and hydraulic calculations of lights of bridges and culverts
- opinions and expert reviews in the field of bridge engineering
We prepare application files and participate in administrative procedures for:
- environmental decisions for projects
- decisions on the approval of road investment implementation
- determination of the location of a public investment
- building permits
- water permits
- land division surveys
- exclusion of land from agricultural and forestry production
- permission for of trees and shrubs felling