We design:
- access roads and parking areas
- streets and intersections: standard junctions and channelized intersections, roundabouts and junctions with the central island, turbo roundabouts, etc.
- reconstructions, extensions and repairs of roads and streets
- acoustic screens
- final traffic organization plans for public roads on: highways, national roads, regional, county, municipal roads as well as for private areas
- temporary traffic organization plans during road works for all types of typical cross sections and all the technical classes of roads
- traffic management systems based on variable message signs
- construction or reconstruction of intersections with traffic signals working as isolated signals (including accommodation) or coordinated (corridor-based or area-wide)
- water supply networks, gas supply networks (also with high pressure), heating networks, drainage and sewage systems (gravitational and pressure), domestic sewage systems
- elements of the sewerage systems (pumping stations and treatment facilities e.g. oil separators, settling tanks, biological reactors)
We perform comprehensive project documentation covering all stages of investment preparation:

- building designs
- building designs
- preparation of tender documentation
- designer’s supervision on construction sites
- expert opinions and assessments of technical status
- surveys of engineering structures
- alternative concepts of road safety improvement both at intersections in urban areas
- concepts of traffic flow improvement, improvement of traffic conditions on roads, streets and intersections by means of traffic engineering elements
- concepts of traffic calming zones for cities, towns, villages and neighborhoods – for areas and for selected road corridors
- post-occupancy evaluations of road safety projects
- evaluations of the functioning of various road safety measures
- measurements of vehicle traffic volumes and pedestrian traffic volumes (between intersections at intersections and at large urban areas), parking, transit traffic, speed
- capacity analyses
- road safety reports
- analyses of traffic conditions
- traffic forecasts
- inventories of hazardous sections and periodical update
- verification of final traffic organization plans
- individual plants for storm water treatment and utilization
- small wastewater treatment plants as well as modernization of existing WWTPs and other sewage management facilities
- expert studies and analyses of nuisance of transport corridors with regard to all adverse impacts (noise, air pollution, vibrations, etc.)
We prepare materials and participate in administrative procedures:
- environmental decisions for projects
- decision on the approval of road investment implementation
- determination of the location of a public investment
- building permit
- building permit
- land division surveys
- exclusion of land from agricultural and forestry production
- permission for removal of trees and shrubs
We complement the documentation with designs of construction or reconstruction of land armament networks in full range:
- drainage and sewage systems
- water and gas supply networks
- heating, lighting, power and communication grids
Project documentation meet all requirements of the funding institutions and financial programs for road investment such as: the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, the European Regional Development Fund (Regional Operational Programs), the EU Cohesion Fund and others. Our documentations cover all stages of the investment process.