EKKOM is 15 years

On April 01, 2015 EKKOM is 15 years on the market.


Over this period a small company from Kraków has grown to become a medium sized enterprise and opened branch offices in Warsaw, Katowice, Gdansk and Lublin. Even now when times are hard for road consultancy business, EKKOM keeps looking for development opportunities and innovative solutions in order to bolster its services. EKKOM belongs to the few companies that deliver comprehensive designs thanks to combining different fields of expertise. At the same time the company remains active in promoting experience and good practices through its publishing activities as well as organization and participation of conferences and seminars for the industry.

This is also the 10th anniversary of the Road industry internet portal edroga, which on this occasion has launched a new and more appealing layout. After almost 9 years under the colors of EKKOM and since January 2014 as a company Edroga.pl sp. z o. o. the Portal is a voice of the road sector and an integrating platform for professionals in various disciplines and the road user community.

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