We design:

- final traffic organization plans for public roads on: highways, national roads, regional, county, municipal roads as well as for private areas
- temporary traffic organization plans during road works for all types of typical cross sections and all the technical classes of roads
- traffic management systems based on variable message signs
- construction or reconstruction of intersections with traffic signals working as isolated signals (including accommodation) or coordinated (corridor-based or area-wide)
We perform:

- studies of organizations and road safety as part of the following documentation: Corridor Study (CS), Technical-Economic-Environmental Study (TEES)
- alternative concepts of road safety improvement both at intersections in urban areas and outside built-up areas, in road incident concentration sites
- concepts of traffic flow improvement, improvement of traffic conditions on roads, streets and intersections by means of traffic engineering elements
- concepts of traffic calming zones for cities, towns, villages and neighborhoods – for areas and for selected road corridors
- post-occupancy evaluations of road safety projects
- evaluations of the functioning of various road safety measures
- designer’s supervision
- measurements of vehicle traffic volumes and pedestrian traffic volumes (between intersections at intersections and at large urban areas), parking, transit traffic, speed
- capacity analyses
- analyses of traffic conditions
- traffic forecasts
- inventories of hazardous sections and periodical update
- verification of final traffic organization plans
- collection, processing and analyses information on traffic accidents
- road safety reports
Work in the field of traffic engineering relate to all categories of roads and streets in the country and abroad. We cooperate with managers of public roads (national roads, regional, district, municipal) as well as with private investors.