Reconstruction of national road No. 12 in Chełm: contract signed

On June 4, a contract for reconstruction of the national road No. 12 was signed in Chełm. EKKOM Sp. z o.o. prepared and completed a PLN 170 million co-financing application, developed a Functional-Utility Program, Feasibility Study and prepared a whole documentation in order to receive an environmental approval.

The contract “Reconstruction of the national road no. 12 within the administrative boundaries of the city” is to be performed by Budimex in the formula “design-and-build”. The investment has a possitive impact on the road infrastructure, which has a direct impact on improving road safety.

The project includes the reconstruction of the national road no. 12 in Chełm, approx. 8.2 km along with the reconstruction and construction of the necessary accompanying infrastructure. The beginning and the end of the reconstructed section of the road are located on the sections of the road within the administrative boundaries of the city of Chełm with road sections managed by the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways.

The company will not only rebuild the national road, but will also be responsible for preparing the technical project. The works will include a comprehensive reconstruction of the folowing streets: Rejowiecka St., Przyjaźni Av., Rampy Brzeskiej St. and Wschodnia St. The program of the investment includes also the reconstruction of the bridge over the Uherka River, the reconstruction of the viaduct over the former railway siding on Przyjaźni St., construction of a new viaduct over railroads and construction of bus stops, noise barriers and more than 8 km of cycle paths. The design work itself takes up to a 1,5 years, and the work is completed in 2020.

The contract value is PLN 96.33m net.

The project is subsidized by EU funds as a part of the call announced by the Center of EU Transport Projects. The main goal is to increase the transport accessibility of urban centers in the Trans-European Road Network (TEN-T). Chełm will receive PLN 170 million support for the renovation of the national road.

Source:, BUDIMEX

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