EKKOM’s Board of Directors involved in running the Technical Committees for Guidelines and Standards in Poland

We are pleased to inform that the President of EKKOM, Mr Janusz Bohatkiewicz, Ph.D. Eng., became the Chairman of the Technical Committees for Guidelines and Standards (pol. Komitety Techniczne ds. Wzorców i Standardów) on behalf of the Polish Road Congress, while Vice-President of EKKOM, Mr Maciej Hałucha, Ph.D. Eng. became the Secretary of the Technical Committees. The Committees will be headed by Zbigniew Tabor, M.Sc., Director of the Provincial Roads Authority in Katowice, Krzysztof Żółtowski, Ph.D. Eng., from the Gdansk University of Technology, and Prof. Adam Zofka, Ph.D. Eng., from the Road and Bridges Research Institute in Warsaw.

As Rafał Weber, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, said: “The highest standards of design, execution and maintenance of public roads in Poland are guarded by a group of specialists who have been chosen for their extensive experience and knowledge. Their decisions will have an impact on improving the safety of road users and the quality of road construction in Poland”.

The Technical Committees on Guidelines and Standards were established by virtue of the Letter of Intent signed in May 2021. It was signed by the Minister of Infrastructure and the Polish Road Congress Association (pol. Polski Kongres Drogowy – PKD). Three Technical Committees were established: the Road Construction Committee (KTD), the Bridge Construction Committee (KTM) and the Road and Bridge Digitalisation Committee (KTC). Their main objectives include identifying subject areas and scopes for the development of new guidelines and standards, identifying changes to recommended guidelines and providing opinions on documents indicated by the Minister.

By the end of 2022, guidelines and standards such as, among others: guidelines for performing measurements, forecasts and analyses of road traffic, guidelines for designing streets and suburban roads, guidelines for determining the load capacity of bridges and viaducts are to be developed upon the order of the Minister of Infrastructure. The guidelines and standards are to be consistent with the ordinance on technical and construction regulations for public roads, which is at the stage of opinions, arrangements and public consultations.

More information about the guidelines and standards in road construction in Poland can be found on the MI website: https://www.gov.pl/web/infrastruktura/o-wzorcach-i-standardach.

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