EKKOM in the Seminar “Current Issues of Civil Engineering”

In January 21-23 the seminar “Current Issues of Civil Engineering” is being held by the Polish Association of Transport Engineers and Technicians. EKKOM is actively involved and the company’s CEO Janusz Bohatkiewicz takes the floor to relate on present trends in road planning. The focus of his speech is on advantages of the use of BIM in road infrastructure project cycle from conceptual phase up to operation, which yields substantial benefits from less design errors and avoidance of cost increase. Another representative of EKKOM, Deputy CEO Sebastian Biernacki unveils the results of before and after noise measurements recently taken on 13 newly resurfaced stretches of regional roads of Malopolska. His speech highlights what difference road resurfacing made in number of residents exposed to excessive noise levels. The Road Industry Internet Portal Edroga.pl is a media partner of the event. Seen full announcement of the seminar (in Polish).
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