Plenipotentiary of the President of Chełm for Strategy about our project

“Cooperation with EKKOM on this project was very good. In fact, we express our appreciation and gratitude for successful, substantive and professional cooperation” – said Roland Kurczewicz.

EKKOM has completed and submitted on behalf of the city an application for funding, based on which Chełm received 170 million PLN from EU funds (maximum 85 per cent. funding). The funds will be allocated for the project “Reconstruction of national road No. 12 in the administrative borders of the city.”

According to Plenipotentiary of the President of Chełm for Strategy, Roland Kurczewicz, a number of factors had a significant impact on jury’s selection of this project due to the fact that the planned scope of the project was very big.

– Criteria for each call specify requirements and obtainable score necessary to fulfil certain conditions – explained Roland Kurczewicz. – While preparing this application, everyone involved assured the highest degree of professional care and conduct both in terms of formal and merits-related aspects of the project. Chełm is a former provincial town situated at the shortest route Kiev – Warsaw – Berlin – Paris. The largest road border crossing with Ukraine operates near the city. It creates a large transit traffic running through the streets, for which the city acquired funds for the modernization.

In addition EKKOM has also developed a Functional Utility Program, Feasibility Study and filed an application for a decision on environmental conditions for this project.

The entire interview is available in Polish on

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