In Poland, no one asks whether to implement BIM or not, rather asks how to do it and when to start. The answers to these and other questions were asked during the National Conference InfraBIM, that took place on 8-9 November 2016 in Łódź with the active participation of the representatives of EKKOM.
The conference was attended by 188 people representing road and rail administration, academics, designers, contractors and suppliers of IT solutions. Students’ scientific circles were also present. The presentations were showed during six thematic sessions.
BIM tools session was led by Janusz Bohatkiewicz, PhD, CEO of EKKOM Sp. o.o., who discussed, among others, problems of education of roads and bridges engineers in the field of BIM. Joanna Bohatkiewicz, as another representative of the company presented the topic of Lean management and its relationship with BIM.
– Top priority for the Ministry while analyzing the possibilities of implementation of BIM methodology is to include all key stakeholders in the process – industry, public and private investors, designers, contractors, scientific community and representatives of public administration at central and local levels – said Tomasz Żuchowski, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Construction.
The conference aroused great interest not only among the representatives of the construction industry but also central and local administration, which was proved by the honorary patronage of the Minister of infrastructure and construction, the minister of science and higher education, the provincial governor and marshal of the Silesian province and president of Gliwice.