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    Ihre Nachricht:

    Datei 1: „Datei auswählen”:
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    Ich erkläre das:
    Hiermit stimme ich der Verarbeitung meiner persönlichen Daten durch EKKOM Sp. z o.o., registriert in Polen, Dr. Józefa Babińskiego 71 B Straße, 30-394 Krakau, in dem Umfang und zu dem Zweck zu, der notwendig ist, um mich in dem oben genannten Fall zu kontaktieren.
    Ich bin mindestens 16 Jahre alt.

    Sind Sie ein Mensch? Rechnen Sie: 75 − 65 = , dann

    EKKOM Sp. z o.o. registered in Poland, dr. Józefa Babińskiego 71 B Street, 30-394 Cracow, as the data controller, informs you that:

    • providing data is voluntary, but necessary in order to contact EKKOM Sp. z o.o. using this form of contact;
    • you have the right to access and rectify the content of your data, to erase it, to restrict the processing, to transfer it, to withdraw your consent at any time and to complain to the supervisory authority;
    • data may be shared by the controller to entities authorized by law;
    • the data provided will be processed on the basis of Article 6 point 1 (a) and in accordance with the general data protection Regulation;
    • personal data will be kept for the period necessary for the termination of the basis for the processing of personal data and, after its termination, for the period of limitation of the claims against the controller and for claims for which the controller is entitled.

    Lokalisation: http://www.ek-kom.pl/de/kontakt-2/lokalisation

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